I sure enjoyed today. Five of my newest friends came over and we had a great day of laughing, talking quilting, showing each other our latest quilt project, better know as "Show and Tell", swapping hints and helpful websites for various products and services, and the best of all--eating delicious food! I made a pot of Pasta e fagioli, bread sticks, and Cinnamon rolls from scratch. Debbie brought little croissant/sandwiches, Melora brought Corn Pudding, and Patty Jo brought cupcakes. Needless to say, the day was full and so were our tummies!
I had digitized a folding box and gave them a little demo of how my Statler works. I stitched out six of them and cut them apart roughly. I gave one to each visitor and sent them home with vague instructions on how to stitch it together. It was an experiment...I don't even know how I'm going to finish it.
We also made fabric bowls, or thread catchers...I turned them loose with my fabric stash and they had fun matching fabrics, sewing on my professional Singer and Pfaffs, and learning how to finish the bowls. They will add the buttons from their collections to suit their fabrics.
These ladies are participants on the APQS chat forum and are now dear friends. We look forward to future Moxie meetings in our region which ranges from coast to mountain to the Olympic penisula and south to the border. Just reaching out...and sharing our passion--the world of quilting.