Some of you may not know; I was born in Alabama and spent the first sixteen years of my life there. When I heard about the tornadoes that hit last week, my heart was sickened. I watched in horror at the pictures and listened to the unbelievable stories on Fox News. I emailed some relatives and heard back that no one in my extended family was injured but there was a lot of damage. A three-foot-at-the-trunk old oak tree flattened in the front yard and another split in two. How it missed my cousin's house was incredible. They were without power or phone for five days! I immediately went into comfort mode--in one week, I have completed four quilts and I'm in the middle of the fifth to give to my loved ones. While they may not NEED these quilts, it was therapy for me, grieving for the devastating losses of my home state. A wedding is planned this month and is not going to be undone by a natural disaster as this. Even the rental place that was to provide tents and tables was blown away! Can you imagine? My cousin is going to plan B. If the Mississippi River doesn't wash away all the bridges, we hope to be there for the ceremony and thank God for sparing their lives.
This quilt was lovingly pieced by my Aunt Martha, quilted with Baptist Fans.

These two are going to two of my aunts, one in Missouri and one in Alabama.
This is called Garden Twist, or Twist Frenzy.

This one is for my uncle who loves to eat great food. The fabrics are Farmer's Market by RJR Fabrics. This quilt pattern is a BQ2 with a couple of value placement changes.

I'm also making a quilt for the wedding gift which is still in process. More soon. . .